
Type I Diabetes is also known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) or Juvenile Diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome (= set of symptoms) characterized by increased level of sugar (glucose) in the blood due to deficiency or inactivity of hormone 'Insulin' that is absolutely necessary to monitor glucose metabolism of body. By and large IDDM is an early-onset disease and is frequently seen in children though adults can also be affected by it. Diabetes is prevalent worldwide and if not attended properly, it may lead to serious complications.

Diabetes 1 symptoms & homeopathic treatment

Causes of Diabetes 1:

IDDM occurs as a result of decreased production of hormone 'Insulin' by the pancreas (the organ that synthesizes insulin). This occurs due to loss of the insulin-producing cells (beta cells of the islets of Langerhans) of the pancreas.

Auto- immunity (disturbance of immune system where body's defense mechanism starts attacking body's own organs and tissues) has been strongly suggested as a causative factor in the initiation of Type I Diabetes. Genetic factors may also have a role to play in this alteration of the immunity. Type 1 diabetes also appears to be triggered by some viral infections or less likely stress-related or environmental factors (such as exposure to certain chemicals).


The classical triad of diabetes symptoms is polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (excessive hunger/appetite). These symptoms may develop quite fast in children. There may also be weight loss and excessive fatigue.

Treatment for Diabetes 1

Homeopathic treatment

In case of Insulin Dependent Type I diabetes, the role of homeopathy is restricted to controlling the complications of diabetes such as diabetic neuropathy, nephropathy, etc. Homeopathy does not have medicines that could stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin in cases of Type I diabetes.

Homeopathic treatment

In case of Insulin Dependent Type I diabetes, the role of homeopathy is restricted to controlling the complications of diabetes such as diabetic neuropathy, nephropathy, etc. Homeopathy does not have medicines that could stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin in cases of Type I diabetes.


Click here for Diabetes Type II

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Miss M. H. V. visited Life Force on 12th December 2012. Her Patient Identification Number is 20361. She was accompanied by her mother. She was suffering from frequent cold and coughs since 2 – 3 years. The frequency of the infection had increased since the past 6 months. She would have an e.....Read more

A 11 year old Ms V. P. D. (Patient identification number - 20517) visited Life Force center on 14th January 2013 along with her mother. She complained of corns on her right sole which had developed recently since past 10 days. Corns were painful when touched. There were small 2-3 corns closely place.....Read more

A 7-year-old female patient, Baby S. (PIN: 31789) visited Chembur branch of Life Force with the complaints of speech problem, as she was unable to communicate in words/sentences. She used to clap hands and look towards the roof as if searching for something. She also uttered meaningless words, as.....Read more

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