
R. M., Lebanon

The vitiligo has improved a lot with the treatment. My daughter is better by 90%. There is no disease anywhere else.

K. R. B., Abuhalifa, Kuwait

There is good improvement. I am happy to see the result. The scaling is reduced, there is no itching at all. But still there is back color in the skin. Thank you very much.

Janet Nolan - CA, United States

I am doing so much better after taking your medicine. I know the medicines have helped me out so much as far as the Urticaria and Angioedema go! I am forever grateful to you and your staff. My Endocrinologist has given your website out to 7 other Hashimoto's patients that are battling with the hives as well. I gave him your website to contact you if necessary as well as told him you treat so many other issues such as underactive thryoid. He was so happy that he has something to offer his patients that are dealing with the hives as I have. I am taking less allegra than I was taking before the hives for just my regular allergies. Even my husband has noticed that I am not having the allergic issues that I used to have. We walk outside every night and even last night with everything being in full bloom here in California, I had no headache not allergic issues when we got done. This stuff is a miracle I'm telling you!!!!! I am so blessed that I came to your website first when I did my google search on "severe hives". Oh yes, I have been able to start exercising again as well. That is a big thing for me as I went from exercising everyday to no exercise with the outbreaks. I just started up a few weeks ago and am so thrilled. I so appreciate all the help you have given me and the communication that you are faithful to follow up on. I hope and pray that the other patients will contact you so that they too can get some help.

Question to Dr. Shah's Team
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Case Studies

Master S. R. J., aged 4 years visited (Patient Identification Number - 17670) Life Force center on 6th December, 2011 with his parents. He would frequently suffer from cold since birth. There would be sneezing, running nose, cough, fever and ear ache once in 15 days and would last for around a we.....Read more

Miss A.S, an eight years old girl from Mysore (Patient Identification Number 23090) was suffering from Mesenteric Lymphadenitis. Her parents sought online treatment for her from Lifeforce on 7th July 2014. A.S had been suffering from recurrent abdominal pains, immediately after eating. Sometimes, sh.....Read more

A 49-years-old patient, Mrs. U.B.R (PIN 31652) visited Life Force’s Chembur branch on 20th March 2017. She was suffering from muscular dystrophy since 8 months. She was experiencing loss of balance while walking, difficulty while getting up, and tiredness easily. She used to do a lot of hou.....Read more

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Treatment for Tumors like Neurofibromatosis, Lipomas & Skin Tags, Can Homeopathy Treat?

Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

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