
Mrs. Lucia Picardo, India

My child had frequent colds. The ENT surgeon suggested removing his adenoids. We did it. However, his colds did not improve much. He then suggested removing the tonsils. I did not agree to it and looked around for the alternative. I found Dr. Shah's clinic. Now, my child is almost free from the attacks of infections and his tonsils are saved!

S. M., India

My urticaria is better after taking your medicines. My hives are completely gone after Dr Shah's medicines.

Mr K.J., Australia

Hello. I wish to inform you that my dad, Mr John Kelly has almost finished his Lyc.30 tablets. He will need new ones sent. I wish to tell you that in February he had splenomegaly, a low platelet count of 70,000 and a HEP C viral loading >700,000 IU/ml. In June, his spleen had returned to within the normal size range, his platelet count has risen to 105,000 and his viral loading was tested at only 34,000IU/ml!!!!!!!!! We are so happy! Thankyou so very much. His Gastroenterologist is stunned.

Question to Dr. Shah's Team
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Case Studies

My child is gaining weight after recovery from Asthma with Homeopathy Master R.S.G. (PIN – 11503) a 5 years old boy from the interior part of Maharashtra state India, reported at Life Force with his parents and paternal uncle in December 2008. He was suffering from Asthmatic Bronchitis sinc.....Read more

A 6-years-old child (PIN: 36768) and his mother visited Life Force’s Chembur Branch in May 2018. The mother visited our clinic for her child, as her child was suffering from Eczema for the past 2.5 years. 

Over the past 8 months, the eczema complaints of the child had aggrava.....Read more

A 45 years old patient Mr. V.S. (PIN Number L-9415) staying in Mumbai, reported to the clinic with complaints of Trigeminal neuralgia since the last 2 years.

He was on Tablet Carbamazepine 600 mg per day. He had remissions for a period of 6 months. His pain had increased very severely s.....Read more

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