Inspiring the next generation of homeopaths
He has held seminars in the US, UK, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Croatia, Japan, etc.
His research-based publication My Experiences with Ferrum Metallicum (1992) has been recognized
Dr Shah loves sharing and teaching. His teachings are simple, based on experience and practice. He teaches what he preaches. He believes that teaching helps in saving years of learning. Dr Shah is an ex-visiting lecturer at renowned Bombay University until 1996.
He has conducted seminars and workshops in many countries such as the USA, UK, Holland, Belgium, Ireland, Croatia, Greece, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Norway, India, Japan, etc.
Dr Shah's 'Clinical Training Courses in Classical Homeopathy' were attended by homeopathic physicians, teachers, and students from all continents.
Currently, Dr Shah is devoting his time to research in homeopathy and has almost stopped teaching globally.
What Dr Shah's students have to say:

What I have spent the last 4 years studying seems to have all been put together in a way that is so much more understandable. The cases and results have been very interesting and inspiring to me. I feel I have a better grasp of many of the aspects of homeopathy. I am so excited about starting in the clinic to use what I have learned here. I have so much more confidence in myself and in Homeopathy. This course has been invaluable.
Tanith Davidson
Leon du Plessis, South Africa:
Very organized, structured way of case taking. A really practical course, which gives better insight into the study of the Materia Medica. It gave good practice in case taking. The course gave me much more than I had expected. I have gained tremendous confidence. I have learned more in three weeks than what I learned in 5 years at the college, especially the case taking, analysis, practical prescribing.

The course was very informative and helped fill in the gaps about Homeopathy in my mind. Many of my questions were answered. The course is presented in a simple, easy-to-understand manner with many funny explanations and analogies by Dr Shah. It has helped me see how to apply homeopathy practically in my practice. I've learned about case management and exactly what I can expect from my treatment. I have a much clearer understanding of how to practice.
Ameesha Manga
Mary Cawley, Ireland:
Lectures and the clinical cases are very good by both lecturers. A major stimulus for any progress with homeopathy. Now I have renewed my interest in interest in homeopathy. The course was really very interesting. Overall I have learned a lot.
The course itself is very well designed to cover the very important basics of homeopathy. Thank you for your guidance and care.
I started this course with a very open mind because I had no idea what to expect from it. So I have not been disappointed, except maybe that I would have liked a little more 'hands-on' Clinical experience. On the whole, I have enjoyed the course very much and have seen and learned about things that I would probably not see much back home, which has been very interesting. My faith in homeopathy has also been enhanced. Because I have not really started treating patients yet, I'm open-minded, and I think that what I have learned here will definitely help me in practice.
Zoe Bengis Anne Mari Klarin, Sweden:
What I learned is to take a case systematically. Reflecting more on what do they really mean. Not to have fixed ideas about any remedy. Reflecting on what the patient is telling you. Not take causation for granted. I really appreciate Dr. Shah couple as teachers. They helped me sort my thoughts out.
To pick out the most important symptoms. I also learned a lot about acute treatment from Dr. Rupal Shah. She differentiated the remedies in a very understandable way. A lot of "homeopathic thoughts" having in the air have been confirmed or false. A lot of fixed ideas have started to get away from my mind.

It was excellent to see how Dr. Shah works. Got a better understanding of the scope of homeopathy and how to implement it. It is better in the long run because I will aspire to reach the standards of practice I saw here at Life Force. I will go back to South Africa with a lot more self-confidence. I am excited to start treating everybody I know with a small or large ailment.
I expected a lot of this course, and I am not disappointed at all. You are a good pedagogue taking everything basically step to step, even if some of us are a little life too eager and impatient, asking questions "too early".
Lots of things I have been thinking of having " fallen on its place". You are an explainer and pedagogue. The examples of the fights, crime, police, ministers, etc. were interesting and have helped me to understand the basic applications. I am really thankful and excited about all the knowledge and experience. You have shared with us, I have learned a lot about acute cases, and to handle acute cases, I was not really sure about that three weeks ago. This was indeed an intense course.

Obviously a successful practice. The results achieved are impressive. The course provides good exposure on miasms, nosodes treatment protocol and also a useful format for structuring, case taking personally. A good outline of case taking. The good, open & realistic expectation of what you can achieve (& whatnot).
Cynita Conradie
Dr.Vinnikov Vladimir, Russia:
I learned some treasure hints for my practice and especially for my teaching practice. During the course I practical hints on Repertorisation, lots of hints in philosophy that influenced my thinking process.
Janet Westling, Sweden:
I learned a lot on case taking, how to put it down on paper as well as how to "meet" the patient. Give space, what questions to ask, etc.
Friendly, relaxed atmosphere in the clinic, interesting discussions. I feel relaxed to speak "in class". I feel that I will have great help with what I've learned so far.
Not to take everything the patient says as being "the truth", but to always find out why he's doing this or that. The importance of prescribing on the balanced totality. The Concept of Facets was very useful and an important reminder of not having fixed ideas about remedies. We must focus on what is there and leave out the rest. The "flow" of the Phenomenon approach is a great help.
The overall experience has been very positive. We have learned a lot of essential basic things that have not been included in my previous education. Case taking, potencies, finding out what's important in a case. I feel that I've got a big " push " forward.

It was great to finally see Homoeopathy within a structure. It helped to consolidate a lot of information that was previously vague. To see the amazing results with the right approach to different cases gave me more confidence. I have learned better how to approach different cases, observing how to manage cases & the strategies used will be beneficial. I always thought the strength of homeopathy lay in encompassing the mentals and emotions of a person, that's what appealed to me. I got a very different perspective here and I do have a better understanding of the relevance of the clinical approach.
Kashi Richard
Elana Cossever, Canada:
A much easier method of case taking. A more practical application of homeopathy. Homeopathy can become simpler than I thought possible. It just requires a sharp mind and lots of studies.

I have learned that you can do too less when u don't repeat a remedy if required. Also how to be more precise to enter into acute or chronic totality. It was very impressive for me and I think the biggest difference is that Indian homeopaths have passed the college with a very good ground level. Most homeopaths in the west have to gather their knowledge on their own at a lot of places, so it's more confusing.
Roland von Neida, Germany
Grethel Rokman, Sweden:
What I learned in the course is the way to take a case, analysis, understand rubrics. A lot of cases are common and uncommon. The course contains basic applications. Well-structured course. Refreshing study of the remedies. A truly great experience to boost the practice.

This course taught me a better assessment of the depths and prognosis of the case, a better grasp of case planning, and how to use the full range of potency and frequency of repetition. It would be good to have a level 2 course where we continue to use and apply the principles laid down in the first course. This would raise our knowledge further. Also, it could include more in-depth pathology and miasmatic knowledge.
Kaare Troelsen, Egypt
Ian Harris, England:
The logical structure of case taking, definitely more structured, user-friendly too which I was accustomed. Use of repertory as key to open up cases. Interesting features about certain remedies. Practical clues for remedies. Really a practice orientation course.
Now, I have some heat to put on my skeleton. Improved repertorial familiarity. Structured with a more effective case taking. Exposure to a different variety of cases and pathology. An interactive and intellectually stimulating homeopathic experience.

How to make case-taking flow was important learning. We also saw that Homeopathy isn't as dangerous as thought (suppression, etc). I got to see the importance of considering miasms in prescribing and to see where I have failed with my own prescribing, especially in acute cases.
Donna Williams, Laos
Dr. Marijan Montani, Croatia:
Organizing the case taking, evaluation of symptoms. Many details of repertory. Many useful clinical tips. The principles of repetition of the remedy. Some structured understanding of the potency selection and clinical applications. Almost all fields of homeopathy are covered. A very systematic and practical approach in homeopathy. The course gives a deeper insight into homeopathy and also helps in practical therapeutics.
An excellent approach to the treatment of cases with distinct pathology. A most useful understanding of how to use the repertory. A wonderful system in choosing the potency and repetition.

I got to see what is structured case-taking and complete case-taking. Different chronic states need different modes of repetition, and this realization is important. The value of the use of nosodes was important learning. I also understood better how to differentiate functional and structural states and their miasmatic relevance. I enjoyed the passionate lectures on Materia Medica by Rupal. Rajesh I think you are an excellent teacher. I benefited or will benefit a lot from your teaching.
Veetkaya, USA
Helene Piper, Sweden:
This course has made a lot of things clearer to me. I think your "ascending " learning that you being with the basics to take a case and end with miasm was very good for the understanding of homeopathy. I am grateful for your help in my containing work as a homeopath. I feel more confident as a homeopath.

I'm very satisfied with this course. The strategy about choosing a remedy, potency, the dose was very fine.
Natsu Watanabe, Japan
Anthony Agnew:
I have learned how to take a case and put it into an understandable format. this has not only simplified the procedure for me but any other practitioner as well. exposure to the Materia Medica with Rupal has been great, as well as the tips you provide about different remedies and rubrics.

Mainly a really good and structured method to decide potency and repetition. Management of acute cases and the usage of sector remedies and intercurrent remedies in chronic cases were important learning. I also got to learn the practical meaning of miasms. This was one of the best courses I ever visited.
Gesine Seck, Germany
Dr Sheikh:
Well-balanced, organized, and structured course. It was presented in the most logical manner than what is written so far. As a novice, you have clearly presented Homoeopathy to me to the level that has inspired me to practice it.

Dosage, repetition, case-taking, second/ third prescription, support of nosodes were amongst the important things I learned during this series. Certain hints and aspects of Materia medica and how to judge the clinical features (aggravations, palliation, etc.) were also very interesting.
Dr. Ulrich Scheub, Germany

Evaluation of symptoms and considering remedies according to pathology also, not only according to the symptoms were value additions by this course.
Olaf Schrann, Germany
Peter Staikos:
It was nice to know that there are many ways to cure in Classical Homoeopathy and that we must not just stick too much to one way. To differentiate very exactly the cases and the ways to choose and repeat the remedy was also learned. Understanding the dynamics in the healing process became clearer.

This course has cleared up a lot of vague issues for me. It was done in a structured logical sequence. Dr Shah was very willing to share his knowledge & experience with us & answered all our questions patiently & made sure that no one felt uncertain about any issues.
Jurgens Staats

This course showed me how a well-organized and efficient clinic works. Dr Shah explained a few aspects that I was not clear about pertaining to homeopathy very clearly & vividly (especially his explanations and diagrams). I saw many skin pathology cases that healed through stages and the treatment for each pathology. The remedy selection and potency were helpful and so well described and how Dr Shah analyses each case as well as his treatment with miasms. All of this I will be taking back and using these theories. Using a camera to take photos of pathology to help your analysis of improvement was a good concept.
Ivana Blazevic

The course has been an extraordinary experience. I have come to realize how diverse the scope of homeopathy is and how all the theoretical knowledge comes to life. I have learned how to develop a mental process and reasoning for every patient and that the depth of a profession is infinite. I have learned an unbelievable amount about the profession and have understood more about science than ever before. I have learned to develop a process of treatment for every individual, how to understand a case with all its complexities, and to follow certain protocols to ensure optimal treatment for every patient. This course gives the practitioner student a very scientific view of treatment which is not taught in SA. Our education has many flaws and our lectures don't have such an understanding of the science themselves, so this course has put all the theories into a logical thought process. I will, without a doubt, recommend this course to any practitioner eager to learn.
Leanne Scott

The course has been an interesting insight into a very clinically based practice. We saw cases of diseases only read in textbooks, and constitutions only read about in Materia Medica. We were taught a very structured format of running a practice and a very methodical way of selecting the remedy. I think my scope on miasms has been very much broadened. The course will bring structure and methodically, and thus hopefully, success.
Mark Leite
Link to a report by Laura Fenton on Dr Shah's seminar
Link to Dr Rajesh Shah and Dr Rupal Shah seminars in the UK
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)