Severe and extensive lichen planus, swiftly and permanently cured with homeopathy.
A 38-year-old female, Mrs. L.S (Patient Identification Number 13273) reported to the center for the treatment of Lichen Planus. She was the mother of our existing patient. She was previously residing in Bangalore and her son was treated for oral lichen planus by Dr Shah. He had severe oral lichen planus and Dr Shah had cured him.
When she developed the skin lesions she first consulted a dermatologist and started his treatment, however the lesions were spreading very rapidly and ultimately the dermatologist prescribed steroids. She took steroids for three days and developed acidity and swelling over the body. She stopped them and went back to the dermatologist and in detailed discussion she realized that she was affected by lichen planus, immediately she recalled her past experience with Life Force and visited the center. Her son had never suffered from the skin form of LP and hence she could not correlate with it earlier.

Her case was taken in detail.
Her lichen planus had started on the ankles, and then spread to the knees, hips, abdomen, back and arms. She had severe itching and skin dryness. She had burning pain, which worsened in morning time and after bathing. The lesions were very extensive and spreading rapidly. Her skin was very delicate and sensitive. Almost 60-80 % of the skin was affected in just three months.
She was not on any pain killers, nor beta blockers or any other medication.
She was working in reputed teaching institute. She was an engineer and was teaching engineering students. Her husband was working for a private airline. Her son was aged thirteen and daughter was eight years old. Her husband had served the air force and now switched job.
She was a disciplined lady. She was a sports person in school and college. She was sportive and jovial by nature. She was passing through a lot of stress from the past three years. Her husband had switched job, they had relocated to Mumbai and purchased a house here. She had to help her kids adjust to Mumbai, establish herself in her profession and look after in-laws.
For almost one year, her husband was without a job and it was really tasking to meet the financial commitments.
She described herself as quiet strong, over sincere, over punctual. Her husband was more of a relaxed type of person.
She was strict with children; she would remind them for several times, if still they disobeyed, she would hit them (rarely). She faced difficulties attending her in-laws. She said that due to multi-tasking, off late she had become irritable and sarcastic. She was over worked both physically and mentally.
She had marked desire for spicy food.

After studying the case in detail Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed her Sepia 30c and later on Sepia 200c along with our research based medicine. At the 2 months follow up (April 2010) Mrs. L.S. reported that her lichen planus has stopped spreading and no new lesions were seen. Complaint of terrible itching was better by 50%.
At the 4 months follow up (June 2010) Mrs. L.S. reported that her lichen planus was better by 50%. Her most prominent symptoms; severe itching, dryness, and burning pains were under control.
At the 8 months follow up (Oct 2010) this time Mrs. L.S reported late by 2 months. Unfortunately she had not taken the medicines regularly. There was a relapse of symptoms since 1 month. New eruptions had started appearing with a lot of itching. Her case was reviewed and Dr Shah increased the potency of the medicines prescribed. She was also given Thuja Occidentalis 200c. She was advised to take the medicines regularly.
At the 12 months follow up (Dec 2010) she reported that the old lesions were better by more than 70% but new spots were still coming out. She was stressed out to note that after 1 year of treatment new spots are still coming. She was explained that in some cases the disease activity is too strong despite medicines. She was advised to keep patience and be regular in taking the medicines.
At 1.3 years follow up (Mar 2011) Mrs. L.S was extremely happy to report that her lichen planus is 80% better. Not only the old spots were completely better but also her new spots were better by 80%. There were no new spots noticed since 3 months.
At 1.5 years follow up (May 2011) her lichen planus was 100% better. All the lesions were flattened. Post lichen planus hyper pigmented spots were remaining. She was advised to continue the medicines for further 6-8 months.
In her case, the disease was also very severe and the post LP hyper-pigmented spots were also severe. This may be attributed to her delicate skin. Now, even those spots have faded to a great extent. Dr Shah has asked her to stop the treatment on 2 February 2012. We can see a detailed and extensive follow up of this lady. Ideally she would have consumed oral steroids, however the side effects they caused and her earlier experience with homeopathy, saved her from strong medicines. She is very happy with the results.