Six Years Persistent Allergic Bronchitis Relieved Completely At Life Force Homeopathy

    Mr. P.K. (PIN: 37801) visited Life Force Homeopathy in August 2018 for the treatment of his Allergic Bronchitis, which he was suffering for more than 6 years.  He had a cough with watery expectoration and exertional dyspnea, &, on examination, there was a wheezing sound from the chest. His complaints used to get aggravated on exposure to dust, in the monsoons, & on lying down. Certain foods, such as curd, cheese, lemon, tomatoes, and cheese, too triggered his complaints. He had to resort to Antihistaminics &, at times, had to take a Rotacap inhaler to find relief temporarily.
    The further details of the case are as follows.
    He was a vegetarian, and his appetite was reduced due to his health issues. He had craving for salty food. His thirst was average, and he was intolerant to the cold temperatures. His bowel movements were satisfactory. He was tall by built. He had disturbed sleep due to his complaints.
    He had a good upbringing and had good relations with his parents & relatives. He did not have any stressful phase in his life. He was mild, gentle, & sober and mixed easily with people. He was very friendly & happy-go-lucky.
    Based on the case details, Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D. prescribed his highly advanced research-based homeopathic medicines for 6 weeks to the patient.
    At the first follow-up in October 2018, the patient felt some improvement in relief. But, due to travel & outside food, his complaints triggered caused again. After analysis of the feedback, Homeopathic medicines for 6 weeks were prescribed again to the patient.
    At the second follow-up, the patient experienced a 30% to 40% relief in his complaints of the cold, cough, & wheezing. But, the watery discharges & exertional dyspnea were persistent. The frequency & intensity of his complaints had reduced slightly. Again, a 6-week prescription was made for the patient.
    At the third follow-up, the patient found 60% to 70% relief in his complaints of the cold, cough, & wheezing, but he did not get any relief in the watery discharges & the exertional dyspnoea. Again, a 6-week prescription was made for the patient.
    At the fourth follow-up, there was 75% relief in all his complaints of the cold, cough, and wheezing. Also, he had a good relief in the watery discharges & exertional dyspnea. Again, a 6-week prescription was made for the patient.
    He was stable in the subsequent follow-ups. There was a little trouble to the patient due to his Allergic Bronchitis, & the conventional medicine was least required as the frequency & intensity of the symptoms had reduced significantly.
    In his recent follow-up, he mentioned that he had got total relief in his complaints, & there was not a single episode of Allergic cold for quite some time. All the while, he did not need any conventional medicine to control the situation. He was feeling relieved & happy that finally he got rid of the Allergic Bronchitis completely & was thankful to Dr. Rajesh Shah for his excellent treatment & service at Life Force Homeopathy.
    Homeopathy is the key to almost all the kinds of allergies to any system in the body, no matter whether it’s respiratory or skin. This case illustrates how difficult it was to tackle all the symptoms, but, finally, all his complaints were resolved & Allergic Bronchitis was relieved completely. Also, it is important to note that many other chronic immune-related diseases, that do not respond to many other therapies & treatments, too heal very well with Homeopathic medicines. And, Life Force Homeopathy, under Dr. Rajesh Shah M.D., is one of the best Homeopathic institutions, with its research-based homeopathic medicines, that treats the cases in-depth & provides long-term improvements.
    -Written by Dr. Aditya Atholi, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D.

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