Steroid Masked Lichen Planus completely cured with Homeopathy
Mr. A.S. (Patient Identification Number: 16791) 27 years male visited clinic for the treatment of Lichen Planus on 25th August 2011.
He was suffering with Lichen Planus since 8 months. There were active lesions on the palms and the soles and the axilla. There was severe itching. He had used conventional medicines (corticosteroids) in the past which had just suppressed the disease and on stopping these; presently, Lichen Planus lesions were in the spreading phase.
He was slightly overweight and a vegetarian by diet. He had special likings for paneer and he disliked spicy food. His perspiration was normal. Thermally he preferred hot weather. His urine and stools were normal. His sleep was sound.

He was working in a Private Telecom Company. He belonged to a well educated family. His parents were residing at Delhi and he was working in Mumbai. He was a reserved kind of person, very balanced and neutral. He had few selected friends and was happy with them. He was very perfect in his work, he never liked pending work. He would always take initiative to complete his work. He was very attached with his father and was anxious about his health as his father was a heart patient.
He had a past history of Jaundice and in his family his father had IHD and maternal grandmother had Hypertension.
His case was studied in detail by Dr. Shah and he was prescribed Carcinosin 30 along with Research based medicines.
After 3 months on 2 nd December 2011, there was about 40 % improvement. The old spots were flattening. The itching had reduced, but still few new spots were observed on the palms, however the intensity was very less.
After 3 months on 2nd April 2012, Lichen Planus was more than 60 % better. There were no new spots, the old had spots had also reduced. The itching was much better.
After 3 months, on 26th September 2012, his Lichen Planus was 80% better. In these last 3 months there were no new spots and the old lesions had completely become flat.There were just Hyperpigmented marks left.
He was very happy with the improvement in his Lichen Planus and he is still continuing with the medicines for further improvement in hyper-pigmentation.
Uploaded by Dr Karuna on 1 april 2013