Dr Shah receiving an award for

his research, from Honorable

Vice President of India on 10th April 2018

    This is the case which demonstrates that nail Lichen Planus is completely curable with homeopathy

    A 66 years old, Brazilian resident Mrs. N. R. P. (Patient Identification Number - 16094), availed our online treatment for her complaints of nails Lichen Planus on 2nd March 2009. She had observed these changes in her nails in the past six months. Around 70% of each nail was affected. The nails had been peeled off till the middle portion. She described it as ‘it seems as if I had been biting my nails’. There was no itching. The region on the nails where the top layer was peeled was sensitive to touch. It had started in the middle and little finger of both the hands and spread rapidly within six months and affected all the fingers. The probable cause was some stress. Her case was initially treated as fungal infection by her skin specialist. With the treatment for a month, there was no improvement. The biopsy then concluded absence of fungal infection. The treating physician then diagnosed it as Lichen Planus affecting only nails. She was then prescribed a steroid based cream for local application, which she was currently using.

    lichen planus on left hand

    She had an associated complaint of left epicondylitis and tendonitis for which she was undergoing acupuncture and physiotherapy treatment.

    Her appetite was normal with no strong likes or dislikes. Her thirst was less. She was more tolerant to cold. She was lean and thin. There were no complaints with bowels and sleep.

    She had retired from her occupation 9 years ago; she was now living with her husband, her youngest son and her mother. She had 4 sons. The eldest lived in U.S.A with his wife and children. The second son was also married and stayed in a separate house. The third son had expired at the age of 11 years due to pneumcoccal meningitis. All her family members were in good terms with each other. The youngest son was very cautious and would not share his problem with her often.

    lichen planus on right hand

    She was a calm person, having full control on her emotions. Occasionally she felt anger or anxiety. She would get anxious if she wanted to do something but could not do soon. Anger would appear if she was told to do something which did not please her. She would try to solve any problem as soon as it is necessary and possible.

    She had suffered in her childhood from - whooping cough, measles, chicken pox and mumps. She had underwent tonsillectomy when an adult and hysterectomy at the age of 44 years.

    In the family history – her maternal grandmother had suffered from diabetes; paternal as well maternal aunt had suffered from cancer.

    With all these case details, her case was analyzed by Dr. Shah and she was prescribed Calc Fluor 30 with some research based medicines.

    With first 4 months of treatment (26/06/09) she reported the improvement to be satisfactory. The thumb, index and middle finger showed 40% improvement, while the ring and little finger showed 30% improvement. She felt a general improvement in her health as well including relief in her elbow and shoulder pains.

    lichen planus on right

    With further 4 months of treatment (25/10/09) she reported that the disease progress had slowed down. The improvement was further taking place in a gradual way.

    With the further 4 months of treatment (22/02/10) there was substantial improvement of 90% in the thumb, index and middle finger of both the hands. The ring and little finger of left hand showed 60% and right hand 40% improvement. The nails which were painful at the start of treatment had become absolutely painless.

    With the next batch of medicines for 4 months,(28/06/10) she reported 98% improvement in all the fingers, except little finger from which the disease was started. She was advised to continue the treatment for another 4 months.

    After 4 months (28/10/10) she reported 100% improvement. All her finger nails had recovered completely as if the disease never existed. She even experienced improvement in her general health, for which the credence was duly given to the holistic nature of treatment with Homeopathy.

    Uploaded on 14th January 2012 by Dr. M. N. P.

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    A 46-year-old male patient from the USA, Dr. R. P. (PIN: 26560) observed the development of a few skin eruptions, which were itchy and spreading. He visited a skin specialist; the biopsy of the same confirmed that he had Lichen planus. The skin specialist prescribed him a topical steroid.

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    A 48-year-old male patient, Mr. A.K. (PIN: 41650) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for his complaint of her lichen planus in November 2019. 

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