Dr Rajesh Shah

Allergy Treatment in Homeopathy

Allergy is nothing but an exaggerated response of the body to certain external or internal agents, whereby the body reacts in the form of symptoms such as itching, running of the nose, wheezing, inflammation, swelling, skin rash, etc. All the symptoms above are simply expressions of an allergic process.
One may be allergic to anything under the sun, inclusive of the sun, as they say.

How allergies lead to various infections


All kind of allergic disorders finds excellent treatment with homeopathy. For a long time, allergic conditions have been considered incurable merely due to ignorance about the amazing benefits of homeopathy. Respiratory allergy, asthma, skin allergy, pollen allergy, frequent colds, childhood asthma, etc., just to name a few, are treated with tremendous success with well-planned homeopathic treatment.

The suggestion for homeopathic treatment:

Homeopathic treatment is very strongly recommended for all sorts of allergic disorders.

Related diseases: Frequent colds, Asthma (adult), Childhood asthma, Urticaria

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Allergy Case Studies

A 37-year-old lady, Mrs. S. S. (PIN: 16987) visited our clinic on 15th September 2011. She was accompanied by her husband, who was a practicing general physician. She was suffering from severe itching without any rashes for the last 5 years. It had started affecting her after she had shifted her .....Read more

A 34-year-old lady, Mrs. R.P. (PIN: 34272) had visited our Life Force Homeopathy branch in July 2018 with the complaint of skin allergy and started her treatment.

She was suffering from it for the last 1.5 months. She was getting red rashes, particularly in her right hand, left forearm,.....Read more

A 14-year-old girl from Mumbai, Ms. A.M. (PIN: 37356) visited Life Force’s Kemp’s Corner clinic in July 2018 for getting her complaint of skin allergy treated.


She was suffering from it for the last 5 years. She was getting red rashes all over her body. The .....Read more

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