Cervical Spondylitis: Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cervical Spine?

The cervical spine is made up of small circular bones (vertebrae) stacked on top of each other. Between each vertebrae is an intervertebral disc which acts like a shock absorber and allows flexibility of the spine. Muscles and ligaments run between, and are attached to, the vertebrae. Nerves from the spinal cord pass between the vertebrae going to the shoulder, neck, arm, and upper chest.

What is Cervical Spondylitis (CS)?

Cervical spondylitis (CS) is a common degenerative condition of the cervical (neck) spine that most likely is caused by age-related changes (wear and tear) in the intervertebral disks and vertebrae of the neck, presenting with severe neck pain and mostly radiation of pain to the arms.

I have been diagnosed with CS, what should I know about it?

Every patient with CS should make a note of the following:

  • CS is age related degenerative condition of cervical spine
  • Has risk factors related to occupation and posture
  • Research proven homeopathic treatment offers fantastic pain relief as well as better mobility for Cervical Spondylitis
What are the causes of CS?

Cervical spondylitis results due to abnormal wear of the cartilage and bones of the neck (cervical vertebrae) with degeneration and mineral deposits in the cushions between the vertebrae (cervical disks). This is more common after the age of 40 years and is triggered by certain risk factors.

What at the risk factors for CS?
  • Repeated occupational trauma e.g., carrying loads on head, professional dancing
  • A genetic cause is possible
  • Smoking also may be a risk factor
  • Conditions like congenitally fused spine, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome etc
  • Doing work that demands minute concentration, people who constantly work by bending their neck
  • Computer professionals, bike users
  • Travelers who travel a long distance and sleep in sitting position
  • Telephone operators or persons who often cradle the phone on the shoulder
  • Habit of holding neck in one position, drivers who keep the neck in the same position for a long time, Watching TV in abnormal positions or when lying down
What actually happens in CS?

Most often in people above 40 yrs of age, the intervertebral disc gets progressively dehydrated and they become more compressible and less elastic. Mineral deposition starts occurring in the intervertebral disc resulting in secondary changes.

The above changes result in compression of the nerves leading to radiculopathy (pain, numbness, weakness and loss of reflex due to compression and irritation of spinal nerve) or compression of the spinal cord resulting in cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) 

What are the symptoms of CS?

Symptoms can vary from mild to severe.

  • Pain in the neck. This may spread to the base of the skull and shoulders. Movement of the neck may make the pain worse. The pain sometimes spreads down an arm to a hand or fingers.
  • Some neck stiffness.
  • Headaches from time to time. The headaches often start at the back of the head just above the neck and travel over the top to the forehead.
  • Numbness, pins, needle like sensation or weakness may occur in part of the arm or hand

For details of the same refer: Symptoms 

How is CS diagnosed?

The diagnosis is usually through physical examination and imaging.

  • Physical examination: to identify and evaluate the neck movements and the function of the nerves and muscles in the arms and legs
  • Imaging: X-rays and MRI Cervical spine
How does a person’s life style cause CS?

Activities like reading, writing for prolonged period demands a continuous muscle and ligaments tension and can result in neck strain. Some of the activities that cause gradual strain of the structures of the neck leading to neck pain and stiffness include: Habit of holding the telephone on one shoulder and leaning at it for long time

Sitting or standing still for long period

Driving continuously for long hours

Sleeping in awkward position and with many pillows below the neck and shoulder 

What precaution is required from my side to keep my CS under control?

To avoid neck strain that can increase CS, one is advised to take small breaks in between the physical strain and to do muscle strengthening exercise.

Will CS affect my work and personal life?

CS can cause severe neck pain and stiffness which can reduce the ability to perform the routine activities.

What kind of occupation people should watch for CS?

Commonly affected occupations:

  • Computer operators
  • Drivers of vehicles
  • Occupations involving carrying and lifting heavy weights on their heads
  • For example, building construction workers
How can I get some more information on CS?
What is the conventional treatment for CS?

The conventional treatment of AS consists of

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's) and Muscle Relaxants: They do not modify the course of the disease but just help in pain relief
  • Surgery is usually not indicated for most mechanical causes of neck pain
What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine originated in Germany. It works wonders for chronic diseases including

Why do you suggest Homeopathy for CS?

CS is a deep seated degenerative disease, which requires treatment at a deeper level. The conventional treatment alone is not enough in most cases. Added homeopathic medication is strongly suggested in order to get 

  • Excellent relief in pain and stiffness
  • Marked reduction in the inflammation of the disc
  • Improved mobility of neck and hands
  • Improvement in tingling and numbness which may be there is patients who have nerve compression
  • Reduced need for pain killer. You may be able to stop pain killers
If I am on conventional treatment, can I still start with Homeopathy?

Yes. In fact, most cases of CS who are on the conventional therapy are likely to require homeopathic medication.

Do they interact with conventional medicines?

No. Homeopathic medicines can be safely taken with the conventional medicines.

If I am on some other medications such as drugs for diabetes, hypertension, etc; do I have to stop them while on Homeopathy?

No. You can continue all other medicines for other diseases if you start with homeopathy. Homeopathy does not adversely interact with the conventional medicines

When do I start seeing improvement after starting Homeopathic medicine?

Improvement in the symptoms of CS specially the neck pain can be experienced in about two to three weeks.

Can I continue with Physiotherapy for CS?

Physiotherapy along with oral medication is the mainstay of therapy.

What about my conventional medicines can they be stopped?

To start with, your conventional medicines may need to be continued. Over the period of time, it is expected that you are able to stop pain killers, once you respond positively to homeopathic treatment.


I have taken Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI) in past, it worked only for short time?

Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI) is a pain management therapy and acts by reducing the local inflammation on the affected nerve root and give a short term relief in pain. But once the affect of the steroid reduces, the pain and discomfort comes back. ESI is used only in cases of acute flare up of the pain.

What are the Dos and Don’t’s for CS?

Some Dos for CS:

  • Do regular exercise to maintain neck strength, flexibility and range of motion
  • Use firm mattress, thin pillow
  • Wear a cervical collar during the day

Some Don’t’s for CS:

  • Avoid sitting for prolonged period of time in stressful postures
  • Avoid running and high-impact aerobics, if you have any neck pain
  • Do not lift heavy weights on head or back
What is the success rate in treating CS with Homeopathy?

At Life Force, we have treated and documented over 300 cases of CS with significant success rate. 

How much time does Homeopathy take to treat CS?

The length of treatment depends on the extent of inflammation and compression. Most patients need medication for about six to eight months or longer.

For other Online Treatment related Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.

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Cervical Spondylitis Case Studies

Mr. S.P.V (PIN: 18536) was suffering from Cervical Spondylitis (CS) for 2 years. He would experience continuous pain in the neck radiating to the left shoulder and the left side of his chest. There was a marked stiffness present in his neck area. He would experience difficulty in moving his neck .....Read more

A 70-year-old male patient, Mr. K.K.S. (PIN: 23400) came to Life Force for seeking treatment for hi Cervical Spondylitis and lumbar Spondylosis on 20th May 2015. He was suffering from the disease for almost 10 years. He was experiencing Vertigo, which used to last for seconds .....Read more

A 40-year-old male patient, Mr. M.K. (PIN: 37623) visited the Borivali branch of Life Force on 6th August 2018 with the complaints of cervical spondylitis. He was suffering from the pain and stiffness in his neck since three to four years, and, now, it had aggravated from the last 15 days. Mr. M......Read more

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