Interestingly, there are over 2000 medicines in the homeopathy pharmacopeia, of which about 100 are major broad spectrum medicines and about 300 important minor remedies used in daily practice. The method of selecting the correct homeopathic remedy is unique and scientific, in the sense that it is selected on the basis of patient's 'whole totalistic picture'. Here are some illustrative examples. It may be noted that complete description of any medicine is not within the scope of this web page and the description given herewith should be taken as an illustration and not as a prescribing guideline:

Natrum Muriaticum:

Natrum Muriaticum is an interesting example of homeopathic medicine prepared from a common food substance, the common salt, NaCl, sodium chloride. As a rule, the common salt undergoes a special medicine preparation process called potentization, whereby its inner healing power is activated to make available for the healing process.

Natrum Muriaticum is almost 200 years old, one of the most commonly used medicines in homeopathy, introduced by the founder of homeopathy Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, MD.

There are over 2000 possible indicating symptoms for Natrum Muriaticum. Here follows indications in brief:

Constitutionally, this medicine has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes, affecting skin, gastrointestinal organs, nose, lungs, kidney, metabolism, muscles, head, hormonal system, etc. It is one of the commonly used remedies for migraineurticariaeczemalichen planusVitiligoasthma, etc.

The mental personality of the patients requiring Natrum Muriaticum is as under:

Usually reserved or introvert, less communicative about personal matters. Less social. Sadness which is not easily expressed. Emotional and sensitive. Weeping alone, does not desire sympathy. Sincere sympathy is appreciated, though. Does not like to be pitied. Grief, unexpressed. Sympathetic. Revengeful thoughts when hurt.

It may be noted that the homeopathic medicines are largely broad spectrum. That means, the medicines are capable of inducing healing process in many kind of diseases. Every patient requiring a particular remedy will not have all the indications of the remedy. Again, every remedy may not cover all the symptoms of the patient. The selection of the remedy is made by the attending physician when he or she looks at the case as a whole.


It is one of the splendid acts of homeopathy that substances labeled inert, have been proved to be a boon to humanity and one such example is that of remedy Silica. Silica occurs in abundance in nature and is chemically inert in its natural state, but with homeopathic mode of drug preparation called as potentization, the latent medicinal properties of this inert substance is activated and it works like a miracle.

Silica is a deep acting constitutional remedy, which was proved and incorporated by Mastermind and Founder of Homeopathy, 'Dr. Hahnemann'. It is also one of the twelve wonders of the Schussler's Tissue Remedies. In fact this remedy has helped Homeopaths world over to treat so-called surgical conditions gently without requiring knife

Silica is in true sense called as polychrest remedy as it has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. There are thousands of indications of this deep acting constitutional medicine. Here are indications in brief:

Silica positively influences bones and joints, mucous membranes, skin, cellular tissue, nerves, glands, lungs, digestive system, etc. Silica is one of the frequently used medicines for complaints of eczema, lichen planus, herpes, urticaria, Vitiligo, asthmatic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, styes and chalazion, trigeminal neuralgia, complaints of nails, tonsillitis, etc.

It is a wonderful medicine for complaints associated with pus formation and infection like boils, abscess, fissures, fistulas etc. In fact patients requiring silica usually have tendency of easy suppuration of skin injuries. Silica can positively influence nutrition and hence one of the prominent remedies used for rickets in children.

The mental personality of the patients requiring Silica is as under:

Silica is indicated for individuals, who are timid, nervous, and yielding in nature. Some of them may have lack of confidence and they feel very nervous and anxious to face stressful situations like public performance or exams. They are afraid of failure. However, once they undertake the task, they perform it efficiently. They have high sense of morality. Children requiring silica are usually headstrong and stubborn.

It may be noted that the homeopathic medicines are largely broad spectrum. That means, the medicines are capable of inducing healing process in many kind of diseases. Every patient requiring a particular remedy will not have all the indications of the remedy. Again, every remedy will not have all the symptoms of the patient. The attending physician makes the selection of the remedy when he or she looks at the case as a whole.

Kali Carbonicum:

Homeopathy is one such branch of medicine, which uses wide range of natural resources including plants and their products, various minerals and compounds, animal products, to prepare medicines. Kali-carb or Kali Carbonicum is very frequently used homeopathic medicine and is derived from potassium carbonate or K2CO3. With the special mode of homeopathic drug preparation called potentization, latent medicinal properties of this compound are aroused. Founder of Homeopathy, 'Dr. Hahnemann', has incorporated this remedy in Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Kali Carbonicum is in true sense called as polychrest remedy as it has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. They are hundreds of different indications of this medicine, which are enlisted in Homeopathic Materia Medica. Here are indications in brief:

Kali Carbonicum positively influences lungs, digestive system, heart, liver, kidney, female reproductive system, skin, etc. Kali Carbonicum does wonders in cases of asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, hydrothorax, etc. It is one of the common medicines used for warts, eczema, urticaria, hair fall, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica and low backache, hypothyroidism, heavy menstrual bleeding, etc. It is also useful for complaints of digestive system like acidity, piles, jaundice, and gastritis, etc.

The mental personality of patient requiring Kali Carbonicum is more or less as follows:

These individuals are usually nervous and anxious. They worry a lot: about future, about family members, about their disease. They are usually fearful individuals and they usually do not like to be alone. They are full of imaginary fears for instance they may worry, "What if the house should burn up!" These constant worries and fears make them restless and extremely irritable. Their mood can alternate, at one time good and quiet, at another excited and angry at trifles. Very sensitive to pain. Feel upset when things do not go according to their wishes.

It may be noted that the homeopathic medicines are largely broad spectrum. That means, the medicines are capable of inducing healing process in many kind of diseases. Every patient requiring a particular remedy will not have all the indications of the remedy. Again, every remedy will not have all the symptoms of the patient. The attending physician makes the selection of the remedy when he or she looks at the case as a whole.


It is the beauty of homeopathy that it can use wide range of natural sources ranging from plants and their products, minerals and compounds, and even animal products for its medicines. Sepia is one such example of medicine prepared from inky juice of Cuttle fish. The latent medicinal power of this juice is aroused by means of homeopathic potentization.

Sepia is one of the greatest contributions made to Homeopathy Materia Medica by founder of homeopathy, Dr. Hahnemann. So it goes without saying that this medicine is as old as homeopathy itself and is one of the favorite medicines of Homeopaths world-over.

Before elaborating the indications of this remedy I would like to share with you its birth-story. Dr. Hahnemann got the clue to initiate proving of this remedy from a patient, who was an artist and had regular habit of wetting his brush containing Indian ink with his own saliva. Every time he did so, a very small portion of the ink would naturally find its way into the stomach to be absorbed by the system. By and by, he developed certain chronic ailments. Hahnemann treated him with all the known similimums to his best of skills and ability but without any appreciable benefit. Excepting that his habit of wetting his brush with his own saliva and consequent affection of the ink, would have been the maintaining cause, the artist was advised to discontinue his profession. The artist obeyed him and he was completely redeemed of all his chronic ailments. This unique pleasant experience ultimately led Dr. Hahnemann to prove sepia for the benefit of generations of mankind.

Sepia, in true sense, is called as polycrest remedy as it has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. There are thousands of indications enlisted in our Materia Medica about effectiveness of Sepia. To enumerate them briefly:

Sepia positively influences female genital organs, digestive system, liver, skin, glands, lungs, and nerves. It is one of the mot commonly used medicines for herpes, eczema, urticaria, lichen planus, ring worm, Vitiligo, hair fall, styes and chalazion, asthma, urinary tract infection. It is one of the best medicines for all possible gynecological and pregnancy related complaints.

The mental personality of a patient requiring sepia is more or less as follows:

Sepia is indicated for individuals who feel lack of interest and concern about their family members and friends, whom they loved once best. This stage comes from their mental or physical overexertion and fatigue. They usually have sad, depressed mood. Even while narrating their complaints they tend to weep. However, they feel annoyed when somebody consoles and sympathizes with them. They don't like much of company and feel irritated about small affairs. They cannot bear disagreement to their opinion and decision. They feel mentally tired and do not feel like working. They are anxious individuals, constantly worrying about their health and imaginary problems.

It may be noted that the homeopathic medicines are largely broad spectrum. That means, the medicines are capable of inducing healing process in many kind of diseases. Every patient requiring a particular remedy will not have all the indications of the remedy. Again, every remedy will not have all the symptoms of the patient. The attending physician makes the selection of the remedy when he or she looks at the case as a whole.


'Pulsatilla nigricans' is a plant belonging to ranunculaceae family from which this homeopathic medicine is prepared. This plant is widely known as windflower. The latent medicinal power of this plant is aroused by means of Homeopathic drug preparation system called as potentization. Pulsatilla, was proved and incorporated in Homeopathic material medica by Mastermind and Founder of Homeopathy, 'Dr. Hahnemann.' It goes without saying that this medicine is as ancient as that of homeopathy and still it is one of the most favorite medicines of Homeopaths world-over.

There are more than thousands and fifty indications of this remedy enlisted in homeopathic Materia Medica. It is in true sense a polychrest remedy, which has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. It is one such remedy, which is useful for acute as well as chronic complaints. Here follows indications in brief:

Pulsatilla extends its effectiveness on stomach and bowels, female genital organs, blood vessels, mucous membranes, skin, lungs, eyes, etc. It is one of the frequently used medicines for complaints of recurrent styes and chalazion, asthma, urticaria, lichen planus, Vitiligo, trigeminal neuralgia, etc. It is one of the best remedies for gynecological and pregnancy related complaints.

The mental personality of individuals requiring Pulsatilla is more or less as follows:

These individuals are very mild, timid, emotional and sensitive. They enjoy having company and they feel better by sharing their problems with friends and family members. Soothing words and sympathy as rule calm them. They have tearful mood, as if full of tears and they feel immensely relieved after crying. They are usually fearful individuals, having fear of dark, of ghosts, etc. They have markedly changeable mood; at one instance calm and gentle and at another irritable. They are very sensitive to insults; fear that they may be insulted. Children requiring Pulsatilla like fuss and caresses.

It may be noted that the homeopathic medicines are largely broad spectrum. That means, the medicines are capable of inducing healing process in many kind of diseases. Every patient requiring a particular remedy will not have all the indications of the remedy. Again, every remedy will not have all the symptoms of the patient. The attending physician makes the selection of the remedy when he or she looks at the case as a whole.


Though homeopathy uses wide range of natural resources including plants, minerals and compounds, animal derivatives, the majority of the remedies are derived from plants and their components. One such example is medicine Staphysagria, which is prepared from seeds of plant Deliphinium Staphysagria. The latent medicinal powers of this plant are aroused by process of homeopathic mode of drug preparation called potentization.

Staphysagria was proved and incorporated in Homeopathic Materia Medica by our Mastermind and Founder of homeopathy, 'Dr. Hahnemann'. So this remedy is as old as that of Homeopathy and still is one of the topmost in the list of most favorite medicines of Homeopaths world over.

Staphysagria is in true sense a polychrest remedy, which has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. There are hundreds of indications of this medicine enlisted in our Materia Medica. Here follows indications in brief:

Staphysagria positively influence brain, mind, stomach and bowels, lungs, skin, genito-urinary system, bones and joints, teeth etc. It is one of the most frequently used medicines for Vitiligo, eczema, urticaria, herpes, warts, hair fall, recurrent styes and chalazion, tonsillitis, Trigeminal neuralgia, etc. It is effective for toothache, prostate gland complaints etc.

The mental personality of individuals requiring Staphysagria is more or less as follows:

These are the individuals, who do not allow themselves to express their emotions. Even if they feel angry they control themselves and suppress their anger and will not express their excitement. However these suppressed emotions find their expressions in the form of physical complaints. They may almost become speechless on an argument, but their body may start trembling with anger. They are very sensitive to insults and slights and to what others say about them. Some time instead of this enforced control, they may have violent outburst of emotions. Child requiring Staphysagria may cry for many things but refuses them when offered. Such children may develop some complaints after punishment or scolding.

It may be noted that the homeopathic medicines are largely broad spectrum. That means, the medicines are capable of inducing healing process in many kind of diseases. Every patient requiring a particular remedy will not have all the indications of the remedy. Again, every remedy will not have all the symptoms of the patient. The attending physician makes the selection of the remedy when he or she looks at the case as a whole.


It is the beauty of homeopathy that not only plants, minerals and compounds, animal derivatives, but also some of bacteria, viruses are also used to prepare special group of medicine called Nosode. When such agents undergo homeopathic mode of drug preparation called as potentisation, they serve to ailing humanity with their curative powers. One of the very frequently used Nosode in homeopathy is Carcinocin, which is prepared from the material derived from carcinoma of breast.

Carcinocin is a deep acting constitutional drug having loads of indications and broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. It positively influences mind, lungs, heart, eyes, skin, bones and joints, etc. It is one of commonly used medicine for diseases like urticaria, lichen planus, Vitiligo, styes and chalazion, hair fall, asthma, insomnia, etc. Homeopathy believes that the genetic predisposition or inherent susceptibility is usually root cause of wide array of diseases. Hence Homeopaths institute medicines having efficiency to eliminate such root cause. One such medicine used to achieve this purpose is Carcinocin.

The mental personality of individuals requiring Carcinocin is as follows:

These are individuals who are very meticulous and work with preciseness. They are compassionate and would like to help others. They feel nervous and tensed before stressful situations like appearing for exams. They enjoy music and love dancing. Some of these individuals may experience brain fag where they may feel disinterested and experience dullness of mind, difficulty thinking, poor memory, etc. Children requiring carcinocin are usually stubborn and headstrong. They suffer badly when scolded.

It may be noted that the homeopathic medicines are largely broad spectrum. That means, the medicines are capable of inducing healing process in many kind of diseases. Every patient requiring a particular remedy will not have all the indications of the remedy. Again, every remedy will not have all the symptoms of the patient. The attending physician makes the selection of the remedy when he or she looks at the case as a whole.

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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An 11-year-old girl from Mumbai, Ms. S. K. (PIN: 43059) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for the complaint of an underactive thyroid on 18th June 2020. 

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