child had completely recovered from his Atopic Dermatitis...


Parents of 2 years old child (Patient Identification number 14685) visited Life Force on 12th August 2010 for the treatment of his Atopic Dermatitis. The child was having this condition from the age of 2 months.

He was having red, small rashes on legs, arms, buttocks and skin folds with itching. His rashes would aggravate mainly in the winter season. He was on conventional treatment with temporary relief.

He had complaints of frequent cold and cough whenever there was a change of weather, winter and in the rainy season.

His sleep was disturbed due to itching in night. He was a very fair and flabby child. He was very active, cheerful and playful child.

His father and mother were having hypertension and his paternal aunt was suffering from asthma.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case details and he was prescribed research based homeopathic medicines along with constitutional medicines for Atopic Dermatitis.

After 6 weeks of medication his old spots were slightly better but there were appearance of a few new spots as well.

After 4 months of medication there was significant improvement. There was no recurrence of new spots. Medicines were continued.

After 8 months of medication, the child had completely recovered from his Atopic Dermatitis. Parents were very happy with Dr. Shah and his line of treatment. After the child recovered, his mother started treatment for herself for under-active thyroid of recent origin.

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