32 years old gentleman suffering from frequent colds was very happy with the outcome of the treatment and thanked our entire Life Force team for curing his ailment so well...

A tall, lean 32 years aged gentleman Mr. V. N. D. (Patient Identification Number - 16759), visited our Borivali center on 21st August 2011 for the complaints of Frequent Colds. It had started since December 2010 after he underwent an operation for nasal bone fracture. The symptoms were – running nose, irritation in nose, watery discharges, sneezing 10 – 15 times at a time, watering from eyes, nose block mostly in night, feverish feeling, weakness and prostration. This episode would be severe, occur once in 15 – 20 days, and would remain for 2 – 4 days. He would take conventional medicines as and when required. The complaints would aggravate by change of weather, dust and pungent smell. On examination there was mild deviation of nasal septum.

There was no other associated complaint.

His appetite was average with cravings for salt and sweets. His perspiration was profuse. He was intolerant of hot climate. There were no complaints in thirst, urine, bowels and sleep.

He was professionally a science graduate, working in a call center since last 8 years.

His family consisted of mother and younger sister. His father had expired at the age of 57 years due to cardiac arrest. His mother was a home maker. His younger sister too was working in a call center.

He was mild, reserved and a calm individual. He was more attached to his mother and sister than his father. He was very close to his family. He was sensitive to others feeling; he could not see any one in pain. He would try to help the person in problem in every manner possible to him. He was emotional. He was worried about the future and about the well being of his family, especially after his father’s demise. He did not like arguing as he thought ‘it is better to keep quiet and move ahead, rather than spoiling the relationship by arguing.’

Dr. Shah studied his case in detail. He was prescribed Nat Mur 200C and research based medicines.

In the first follow up after 6 weeks, he reported remarkable improvement in his complaint. He experienced only one episode of colds since the past 6 weeks as compared to one episode every 15 days. This time it was mild and recovered within one day without conventional medicine.

In the next follow after 2 months, he visited our Chembur center to thank Dr. Shah as he was 75% better with the medicines. He was suffering from mild cold since last 2 days, which was promptly taken care of, by homeopathic medicines. The frequency of cold had significantly decreased. The complaints of running nose and nose block was still persisting but in a mild form. Dr. Shah accordingly modulated his medicines.

He visited our center on January 5, 2012 with almost complete recovery of his frequent colds. He reported of being 95% better with no episode of colds in the last 2 months. He was very happy with the outcome of the treatment and thanked our entire Life Force team for curing his ailment so well.

(Uploaded on 10th Jan 2012 by Dr. MNP)

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