No more Migraine!!!! A Story of long standing painkiller dependent Migraine sufferer...

Thirty-eight years old Mr. MVF (patient identification number- 24853) resident of Chennai visited Life Force in February 2015 for the complaints of migraine

His complaints started when he was six years old. Earlier the frequency and intensity of episodes a migraine were not that severe. But since 2010 the frequency, intensity and duration of acute episodes were increased drastically. He used to experience severe throbbing kind pain in left temple radiating to the occipital region and nape of the neck. Along with a severe headache, he would get nausea and vomiting in each episode. There was incoherence of bright light and noise. He used to get the episodes of migraine once in two weeks and the episode would last for a week or so. The intensity of pain used to be so severe that despite using allopathic medicines continuously there was no relief. The triggering factors for a migraine were stress, lack of sleep and fasting. Due to this suffering quality of life was affected to the extent that he used to get suicidal thoughts. As per suggestion of his treating physician he underwent MRI scan in 2010. In MRI scan nothing abnormal was found. He took injection Botox therapy once in 2012 and the second time in 2013, without any significant improvement in pain. He also tried Ayurvedic treatment in 2011 for four months but didn't find any relief with that. Though he was taking allopathic treatment continuously for five years including antidepressant, anticonvulsant, eletriptan, and painkillers was not getting any significant relief. 

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Mr. MVF had associated complaint of Gastroesophageal reflux disease and constipation since seventeen years. He used to get unsatisfactory and hard stools with a lot of straining. Every day he used to sit for about 30 mins in the closet to pass stools. He used to get a burning sensation in the chest and acid reflux along with sour eructations. He used to get recurrent mouth ulcers, which would get aggravated due to constipation. 

He also had a complaint of disturbed sleep. He would wake up 6-7 times in the night and it would take around 30 mins to get back to sleep. So the sleep was unrefreshing. 
He was suffering from depression which was diagnosed by a physician in 2013. He would get negative thoughts about self. There was a lack of self-confidence and fear of failure. He would get suicidal thoughts very frequently. He attempted superficial cuts on his wrist several times. He was given electroconvulsive therapy in 2013 as he suffered from severe depression. He was on antidepressant medicines for the same. 

He suffered from Irritable bowel syndrome in the past for which he took conventional medicines. He also suffered from Herpes zoster infection in 2010.

His father died of liver cirrhosis. His mother has asthma, diabetes, and hypertension and she died due to tuberculosis. His brother had asthma and his maternal uncle suffered from Migraine. 

He would prefer mixed diet, but his appetite was very less. He had craving for spicy food and sweets. He would love to eat fish, meat, chicken and eggs. He had aversion to milk and vegetables. His thirst was average. He did not perspire much. He could not tolerate hot weather though he was sensitive to a draft of air too. His sleep was disturbed. He would get dreams of dead persons walking and talking, dreams of hideous creatures, dreams as if he was falling from a cliff and dreams of passing stool from the mouth. 

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He has done MBA in finance. He left his job and was taking seminary education for becoming a priest. He wanted to become a priest to serve the people. He was staying with his sister in law and his brother was in Dubai for the work. He always felt lonely and emotionally deprived in childhood as he was an unwanted child and his mother wanted to abort him.

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His mother was very strict, she never used to allow him to go out or to do any independent activity. He had anger towards the mother but he never expressed it. He had fears of dark, height and animals. 

After analyzing all the case details Dr.Shah prescribed Mag. Carb 30 and research-based medicines for the patient. 

In May 2015 patient reported that there is no significant improvement in condition. He was experiencing migraine in the same frequency, intensity and duration as before starting the treatment. He was still continuing with his allopathic treatment. After analyzing the follow-up Dr.Shah upgraded the prescription.

In the month of July 2015, the patient mentioned fifty percent improvement in his migraine. He reported that the frequency of episodes was reduced and the duration of each episode was reduced from seven days to one day now. There was a significant improvement in the intensity of the pain as well. He would experience mild nausea with occasional vomiting. He was still getting intolerance of light during the episode. He took painkillers for each episode. There was an improvement in his acidity, constipation, and insomnia. For depression, he was continuing the allopathic medicines. After going through the follow-up Dr. Shah prescribed further medicines for him.

In December 2015 patient visited for follow up. He mentioned that there was eighty percent improvement in his condition. He would get episodes of migraine once in 2-3 months now and each episode would last for 4-5 hours.  He took painkillers for each episode. There was no nausea or vomiting in the episode of migraine. The intolerance of light and noise was still there but the intensity was very less. He was not getting suicidal thoughts and his depression was under control. He reported that he was completely free from acidity and constipation. Dr.Shah prescribed medicines based on the follow-up.

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In March 2016 patient reported slight aggravation in his migraine. The frequency of episodes was increased in last 3 months. The duration was increased till 7-8 hours and intensity was little high this time. The trigger factor was stress and anxiety. The patient continued the medicines prescribed by Dr.Shah.

In September 2016 patient visited and reported a drastic improvement in his condition. He reported that there was a drastic change in frequency, intensity, and duration of the episodes of a migraine. He would get a headache once or twice in a month and the pain was bearable.  There was no radiation of pain, the pain was only in the temples. There was no nausea, vomiting or intolerance of light along with an episode of a headache. The duration of the episode came down to half an hour. Further, he reported that he was free from acidity and constipation and would sleep comfortably. The patient was satisfied with the treatment and he is still continuing treatment with Life Force for other complaints.

This case highlights that due to 25 years long standing and painkiller dependent migraine made patient’s life miserable. He was thinking of nothing but ending his life due to suffering. He was successfully treated with most gentle and scientific mode of treatment. Homeopathy not only relieves the pain it improves the quality of life of the patient.  

Read about Homeopathy remedies for Migraine here.

Dr.Aparna Hingmire 

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