Migraine: What it is? Types of Migraine

Migraine is a symptom complex of periodic headaches which are usually unilateral (one-sided) and often associated with nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to noise and light. The attack of migraine is usually preceded by constriction (narrowing) of the cranial vessels (blood vessels supplying the brain and skull) and the headache commences with dilatation of these blood vessels. The attacks of migraine tend to be recurrent and the severity of attacks usually decreases as the patient ages.

Migraine is commonly misspelled as migrane, migrain, igraine, migaine, migrine. Migraine is called as Aadhasisi in Hindi and ardhashishi in Marathi.

There are two main types of migraine:

1) Migraine with Aura (Classic Migraine):

This type of headache is characterized by the neurological phenomenon (aura) that is experienced 10 to 30 minutes before a headache begins. Auras may be experienced as visual disturbances, hallucinations or even temporary loss of vision before a headache. . Some other common expressions of the aura may be in the form of giddiness, vertigo, tingling numbness in various parts of the body, weakness, difficulty in speech, etc. Auras are experienced due to the constriction of the cranial blood vessels prior to the commencement of a migraine.

2) Migraine without Aura (Common Migraine):

This is a common presentation and here the patient does not experience any aura (neurological phenomena) before a headache. Nausea and vomiting frequently accompany this kind of migraine. General fatigue and lethargy may be experienced before a headache begins.

There are some other types of Migraine which are not so common:

01 Basilar

02 Ophthalmic

03 Ophthalmoplegic

04 Retinal

05 Status migraine

Migraine headaches usually begin gradually over a particular area on one side of the head. The pain then builds up in intensity over a couple of hours and spreads over a larger area of the head. The pain tends to subside gradually over a few hours in most of the cases but may even last up to a few days in some cases.

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Migraine Case Studies

A 57-year-old patient (PIN: 43532) enquired at Life Force for the treatment of his complaints of Sinusitis, which he was suffering from for 3 years. Along with sinusitis, he was also suffering from nasal polyp which resulted in a nasal block and, occasionally, epistaxis. His whole respiratory tra.....Read more

A 49-year-old female patient from Raipur, Mrs. S.P. (PIN: 41159) visited Life Force and started our homeopathic treatment in September 2019 for her complaint of Migraine. 


She was suffering from it since 8 years. The patient was experiencing severe pain in the righ.....Read more

A female patient, Ms. N.B. (PIN: 26725) visited Life Force in September 2015 for treatment for her complaints of Migraine headaches.

She was suffering from a one-sided headache that radiated from the temples to the vertex. The discomforting headache was bothering her for the last 2 year.....Read more

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