
J. M., NY, USA

Since the time I started the treatment, my condition has improved. The dark spots I had in my hands are gone, my arms look almost clean and I only have one spot light brown on my right leg. I do not feel too much rash. Some times, few groups of eruptions appear and disappear from my arms and legs. About three weeks ago, I had a group of small eruptions on my inner right leg, then one day I saw like purple rings around itch eruption, they were together but seen them from some distance looked like one big purple spot.

M. S., India

There is no blood in stools after starting with the treatment. There is no pain in abdomen. My stools are more regular. My appetite has improved. I am happy.

E. Y. C.,Texas, USA

The reason in why I am sending you this email is to tell you how I am feeling so far with the treatment you have sent me for the migraine problem. The treatment that you sent me worked just fine. I can actually say that from a 100% of feeling better, I felt 90% better. Dr. I am saying it worked just fine but if you need to improve it so it can make me feel 100% better do it, but I feel just fine with the previous treatment. Dr. Shah I would like to mention just one thing that I still feel, is like a problem maybe still caused by the migraine.. Thank you a lot Dr. Shah one more time and thank you for your time Dr. you have a great pleasant day! E. Y. C.,Texas, USA

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45 years old patient Mr. A. A. (Patient Ref. No. L-6214) from Mumbai reported to the clinic with complaints of Trigeminal Neuralgia for the las.....Read more

Mr. BK (Pin no.23026) , a 27 yr old boy came to Life Force on 26th of June 2014. He was suffering from Alopecia Areata  for the past 3 years.He had developed two bald .....Read more

A 33-year-old male from Rajasthan, Mr. R.H. (PIN: 26597) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaint of Psoriatic arthritis on 25th August 2015.  

He was suffering from this problem for almost 9 years. And, his problem was increasing gradually. Th.....Read more

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