Longstanding case of non healing ulcers responds wonderfully to Homeopathy...

    A patient, Mrs S.B.(L-11208) aged 52 , consulted Dr Rajesh Shah for her complaints of non healing ulcers. She was suffering from a rare disorder called "Lipodermatosclerosis." She was suffering from this illness since the last 20 years. She had non healing ulcers on both lower legs, the lesions were raw, red, with deep ulcerations.

    They were very painful to touch and there was marked swelling. She would get ulcers in the summer season, there was unbearable burning pain almost intolerable. Color doppler studies dose on 31-7-08 were suggestive of mild dilatation of superficial venous system bilaterally with subcutaneous oedema bileterally. Subcutaneous perforation of the left side Her case details further revealed a craving for sweets and a sensitivity to heat. She was a calm, stout person.

    Dr Rajesh Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed Tarentula Cubensis 30 and then later on 200 C in repeated doses. She was prescribed Sulphur 1M in powder dose, infrequently, as the case demanded. In 6 months there was substantial improvement and most of the ulcers healed completely with Homeopathic treatment.

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    A 4-year-old male patient, Mast. P.T. (PIN: 40505) visited Life Force Homeopathy along with his parents with the complaints of Autism on 23rd June 2019.

    His parents had observed the symptoms of autism 1 year back, but his condition was diagnosed as Autism for 6 months now.

    He .....Read more

    A 7-year-old female patient, Baby S. (PIN: 31789) visited Chembur branch of Life Force with the complaints of speech problem, as she was unable to communicate in words/sentences. She used to clap hands and look towards the roof as if searching for something. She also uttered meaningless words, as.....Read more

    A 14-year-old boy from Jharkhand, Mr. D.K. (PIN: 34583) started online treatment from us in December 2017 for the complaint of autism.

    The detailed medical history of the patient was given by the.....Read more

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