Spectacular results in severe Alopecia Areata at Life Force
A six-years-old young girl, Ms. Z.F. (PIN: 34349) along with her parents approached Life Force for treating her alopecia areata on 13th November 2017. She was suffering from alopecia areata for 8 months. Her alopecia areata patches were present on the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelids. She was severely affected by the disease, and her scalp was totally bald. She had taken allopathic treatments in the past, but those medications did not help her with a significant improvement in her recovery. At the time of consultation, she was taking Unani medicine for three months. Besides alopecia, she was also suffering from the frequent cold.
The patient was a non-vegetarian by diet. She liked fruits and fried chicken. The patient did not have any particular disliking for any food. She was intolerant of the cold weather. Her thirst was less. Her bowel movements, urination, and sleep were normal. Her perspiration was less than average.
She had no specific past medical history. In her family, her mother was suffering from hypothyroidism.
She was shy, calm, & sensitive by nature. She needed extra care for her. She was possessive by nature. She had a fear of the dark. She could sleep alone at night.
Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed her Phosphorus 30 and his research-based molecules for Alopecia areata.
After seven weeks of the treatment, her parents informed about her condition on 12th January 2018. There was some change in her patches. New hair regrowth was observed on her scalp and eyebrows, but there were no changes in her eyelids.
On 2nd May 2018, her parents reported further improvement in her recovery from alopecia patches. New hair growth was observed on her scalp & eyebrows. Her recovery from the patches had improved by 25%. She had developed no new spots. Her thyroid profile was normal. She was suffering from a frequent cough. She was also taking homeopathic medicine for that complaint. She had experienced a 25% improvement in her overall condition.
Five weeks later on 27th June 2018, when her parents gave a follow-up, her condition was showing continuous improvement. New hair growth was observed on the scalp.
On her next follow-up on 13th September 2018, her recovery from her alopecia areata patch on the scalp had improved by more than 90%. Still, 3-4 small spots were remaining.
On her next follow up on 14th November 2018, her condition was showing continuous improvement. She has almost experienced a complete recovery from alopecia areata on her scalp, & other spots were also showing a significant improvement in terms of recovery. Still, fur small patches were remaining. Her parents were very happy & satisfied with the result.
She is still continuing the treatment for further recovery.

This case study highlights that homeopathic medicines are deep-acting and aim at treating auto-immune conditions, such as alopecia areata, effectively and safely without any side-effects.
(Written by Dr. Priyanka, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah)