Migraine Conventional Treatment

The following groups of drugs are commonly used to treat migraine:

Analgesics: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen are the common drugs of choice to control the pain during the acute attack of migraine. These drugs must be taken at the onset of the pain. The patient has to be careful not to take an excess of these drugs as they are not without any side effects.

Serotonin receptors and Ergot preparations are some other groups of drugs that are used to control pain. Some other drugs which are used as prophylactics are:

  • Anti-seizure drugs
  • Beta-blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Tricyclic antidepressants

These drugs help in reducing the frequency of attacks of migraine.

Certain auxiliary modes of treatment can be very helpful in bringing down the severity and frequency of the attacks. These could be in the form of:

  • Homeopathy
  • Stress reduction techniques such as Yoga, meditation, exercise
  • Stress management by biofeedback and hypnosis
  • Acupressure

Prevention plays a very significant role in migraine management. It's very important for the patient to monitor those factors which trigger off a headache such as certain foods, environmental changes, physical and emotional factors, etc. Avoidance of the triggers is essential for the long-term control of migraine.

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Migraine Case Studies

A 57-year-old patient (PIN: 43532) enquired at Life Force for the treatment of his complaints of Sinusitis, which he was suffering from for 3 years. Along with sinusitis, he was also suffering from nasal polyp which resulted in a nasal block and, occasionally, epistaxis. His whole respiratory tra.....Read more

A 49-year-old female patient from Raipur, Mrs. S.P. (PIN: 41159) visited Life Force and started our homeopathic treatment in September 2019 for her complaint of Migraine. 


She was suffering from it since 8 years. The patient was experiencing severe pain in the righ.....Read more

A female patient, Ms. N.B. (PIN: 26725) visited Life Force in September 2015 for treatment for her complaints of Migraine headaches.

She was suffering from a one-sided headache that radiated from the temples to the vertex. The discomforting headache was bothering her for the last 2 year.....Read more

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