
S. S, India

17394, Since 10 years I was suffering from sinusitis and headache. I was very much frustrated with the complaints. This would get triggered by taking a head bath or by exposure to extreme sunlight. The headache was so severe that it affected my personal life. Within 2 months of starting the treatment the headache has reduced by 50 - 60%. I feel much better then before. The intensity of the headache is less and I can go out in sunlight without getting much worried about having a headache. God bless Dr Shah!

Avelia C. Sequeira, India

My daughter Avelia Sequeira (Reference Number L-9520) suffered with frequent cold and coughs with recurring tonsillitis for 5 years. She would have attacks almost every month, lasting for ten days, requiring course of antibiotics. After starting treatment with Life Force Center she is now quite fine. Tonsillitis started showing improvement within 2 months. The frequency of cold and cough also reduced and she was better in four months. She has gained weight, overall improved her health. We are sincerely thankful to Dr. Shah.


The white spots on my face disappeared. The white spot on my genitals was slowly filling in until I stopped taking the medicine. S.K.H.., DC,USA

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Case Studies

Mr P.S, 12517 visited the clinic on 12 August 2009 for his complaints of psoriasis since last 2-3 months.

The patches were on the elbows, around the neck area, and mainly on the palms and soles. Although his palmo-plantar psoriasis was of recent origin but his cracks were very severe an.....Read more

This is the case of Ms. G.A (Patient Ref. No. S-5422) a 24 years old female who reported to the clinic for her complaints of chalazion. She had developed chalazae over both her eyelids and involving both the eyes in the.....Read more

Sixty six years old elderly businessman from Pune, Mr. M.D.R. (Patient Identification No- 21776) visited Life Force on 12th October 2013 for the treatment of vitiligo.

He presented with vitiligo spots on hands, chest, back, legs, neck, chin and scalp since six months. He had sporadic vi.....Read more

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Can homeopathic and conventional (allopathic) medicines be taken together? Explains Dr Rajesh Shah

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Is homeopathic prescribing based only on the mind symptoms? Explains by Dr Rajesh Shah

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