
Mother of J. S., USA

The allergic reaction to diary products is really improving since taking this course of medicine. I would say there is 90% improvement since the last course. Now he can have gulab jamoons (made with milk powder), he had cheese pizza little bit and nothing happened, he is having icecream he is fine.

S. M., Saudi Arabia

I have achieved 100% improvement. The piles are cured. One has to be careful and should drink plenty of water and eat lot of fiber avoiding hot, spicy and non-vegetarian food to avoid piles.

S. S., India

I S.S, Pin no. 17135, Since last 5-6 yrs I was suffering from piles and constipation problem. I would have severe pain and burning sensation in the rectum, this was more on taking spicy food. The stools were hard and required straining. Within 2 months of starting Dr Shah`s treatment there is 75 % improvement in my condition. The response in my case has been very fast, which is a contradiction to the normal understanding that Homeopathy takes time to respond. The stools have become softer. I am very much convinced with the Dr. Shah's scientific approach towards Homeopathy.

Uploaded on 5th December 2011 by Dr. Z.A.

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21 year old female, Mrs. U. P. (Patient reference number 8259) reported to the clinic for complaint of alopecia on the scalp (vertex) since a month. It had rapidly increased to a size of about 2 inches x 2 inches within a span of 1 month. She was also losing about 100 hair daily. She was not on a.....Read more

Twenty eight years old home maker Mrs. S. B. (Patient Identification Number- 19523) residing in Karnataka started treatment with us via online patient support system. She was referred to us by her relative who was previously treated successfully with our treatment. She started treatment on 26th J.....Read more

A 10 years old girl child Miss S.S (Patient Identification Number 11500) visited Life Force center along with her parents for the treatment of recurrent Tonsillitis on 2nd December 2008. She was a class 7 student belonging to a conservative family. She was remarkably active and joyous child. She .....Read more
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