Psoriasis Testimonials

Raj Jawahar Karamchandani, Nigeria

I have observed 100% improvement in my condition. I was suffering from Psoriasis since 3 years and all treatments failed. But with Dr. Shah's medication, I saw the improvement within the first 4 months and now within 1 year of my treatment I am completely cured off Psoriasis.

R. G., Raipur, Chattisghar

I was suffering from Psoriasis for 10 years. When I came to Dr. Shah in April 2005, it showed improvement in 6 to 8 weeks of treatment. Within 1 year of homeopathic medication, all the spots of Psoriasis from legs to hands have been cured. I no more have psoriasis and I am grateful to Dr. Shah for it.

L. E. W., Alaska, USA

My psoriasis is getting better, I would say that it is about 1/3 to 1/2 of what it was when I started the program.

K. S. G., Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Just to give you a quick insight of my skin condition. It has really improved quite remarkably and I’m really quite thrilled about the whole thing.

D. S., CA, USA

In general, I feel much better about my psoriasis. The spots are much smoother with less scaling. The spots do not itch as much. There are days where I do scratch because of the itchy feeling. I can really feel a change in my psoriasis. It feels like the changes are coming from the inside to the outside. This is the best winter I have had with my condition. Usually, during this time I am going crazy with scratching and being very uncomfortable sitting, because my lesions are cracked and sometimes bleeding. Thank you for your help and I hope the treatment further will keep me progressing on my way to a healthy future.

L. A., CA, USA

I am noticing some wonderful changes. The plaques on my elbows are almost all clear, the one on my knee has thinned out a lot, the one on my lower back has as well and on the top of my feet, it is looking much better too. The plaques on my ankles are still a little stubborn, but I am confident that your treatment will clear up those as well. Thank you!

V. D., CO, USA

The plaques improved about 20% the first two weeks of treatment. The plaques remained at that level for 3 months. The plaques then improved another 40% the last three weeks. My psoriasis is about 1/3 as severe as it was

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Psoriasis Case Studies

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease (a disease with an unclear cause that is characterized by inflammation caused by dysfunction of the immune system) that causes inflammation in the body. There may be visible signs of inflammation such as raised plaques (plaques may look different for differ.....Read more

A 31-year-old male patient, Mr. C. M. (PIN: 13321) visited the Life Force clinic in February 2010 and started homeopathic treatment for his complaints of Palmo-planter psoriasis.

He was suffering from it for 1 year. The lesions of psoriasis were present on his hands and legs majorly. He.....Read more

A 28-year-old patient, Mr. S.K. (PIN: 39840) came with complaints of psoriasis to the Santacruz branch of Life Force in Mumbai on 9th April 2019.

He was looking for treatment for psoriasis to work on its root cause and heal the skin condition completely to eliminate it from h.....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah sharing 28 years of experience in Psoriasis treatment


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