Lichen Planus Testimonials

Varsha Joshi, India

The experience at Life Force was extremely good and satisfying till date. I have been suffering from Lichen Planus from April 2006 and was on allopathic medicines in the beginning but the disease kept reoccurring. Got frustrated and started searching the internet for alternative medicines where I read about Life Force. I visited the clinic and the doctor gave me the confidence that I will be completely treated with absolute no chance of reoccurrence on day one itself. I started the treatment and saw positive results within first six weeks itself. The disease has not resurfaced and doctor has assured me that it is completely gone!!! Just the marks remain which hopefully will disappear soon :) :) :). Keep up the good work Dr.Shah & Team!!! Click here to view original testimonial
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M. C., Serbia

I have responded to the treatment very well...I have achieved improvements in smaller spots then before, there is less burning...My lichen planus has stopped spreading, right now..All the lesions have dissappeared and i have just little spot on my left side on my tongue. Right now I dont have any new spots. For now they are less in intesity and quantity. My pain ,burning is much better...I can eat normal...also i can eat hot and spicy food. Also i want to say that your treatment is very well and i have responded very good... I want to say that i want to continue with treatment for being completely cured...

Mrs.Sabbu, India

My experience has been excellent. I found your address through the internet. And the site had all the information required! Medicine given, has produced the required result and I am very happy about it. The staff here is excellent & I find all the Assistant Doctors very good. All in all, a good place to come in time of need.

Sneha Chopra, India

It has been 4 years now and I feel relieved. Have witnessed the relief which I could not get anywhere else. I used to have severe itching & eruptions on left leg. Within months the itching got cured & over the period the eruptions have gone, I haven’t got any reoccurrence and I am really thankful to Dr.Shah. Earlier within months I could see reoccurrence and it kept on spreading but after the medication here I haven’t had that and I feel much better.Click here to view original testimonial
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J. K., Netherlands

I really notice improvement. The blisters seems smaller and there is a longer period between the blisters go away and a new blister appears. I am more painfree. I have not used oral steroids for quite some years now. (not since the treatment). the spots (blisters) are smaller and less painful. The blisters do not come in crops, they are sure less intense

R. B., USA

I am satisfied with the treatment. The lichen planus in my mouth has improved by about 70%. The first two months i did not see any improvement but it did not get any worse either, over the past 2 months i noticed a definite improvement. I did not use any steroids before or after. Recent spots in my mouth seem to be slowly going away. I have not seen any new interuptions. I have not had any new outbreaks. No pain, burning or soreness. no sensitivity to food.

J. H., USA

I have done real well with the treatment. My improvement is 95%. There is no more break out. I was never on steroids i refused to take them. The spots are gone. All of them. There are no raised bumps anymore they are all gone. There is still some on my nails but has not spread. The spots started going away within a week and half the raised bumps were gone. There is just some sccaring on my legs and a little on my arms but i am amazed that something that bad that hurt and looked terrible was gone. Thank you Dr Shah!!

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Lichen Planus Case Studies

A 46-year-old male patient from the USA, Dr. R. P. (PIN: 26560) observed the development of a few skin eruptions, which were itchy and spreading. He visited a skin specialist; the biopsy of the same confirmed that he had Lichen planus. The skin specialist prescribed him a topical steroid.

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A 48-year-old male patient, Mr. A.K. (PIN: 41650) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for his complaint of her lichen planus in November 2019. 

He was suffering from a skin condition for 6 months. The lesions of lichen planus were present on his hands, legs, and sh.....Read more

Lichen planus (LP) is an idiopathic, cell-mediated immune disorder. It is a chronic systemic disease that commonly involves oral mucosa and skin lesions.  The clinical manifestations of LP have been described as the 6 Ps of Lichen planus, (Pruritic, purple, polygonal, planar, papules, and pl.....Read more

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Causes of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Cortisone is not the best treatment for Lichen planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

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